UNION ELEMENTARY: REMINDER: There is no school tomorrow, Friday, January 12 and Monday, January 15. We can’t wait to see our students back in the building on Tuesday, January 16!
about 1 year ago, Eric Brand
UNION ELEMENTARY: Correction---> Bus 97 will not be completing a morning run. Bus 28 will not be completing a morning OR afternoon run tomorrow, Thursday, January 11. Please contact the front office or submit an excuse at ues.upshurschools.com to make us aware of your child’s absence. This is an excused absence. Students that need picked up earlier than normal dismissal time will not be penalized due to this inconvenience.
about 1 year ago, Eric Brand
UNION ELEMENTARY: Bus 28 will not be completing a morning OR afternoon run tomorrow, Thursday, January 11. Please contact the front office or submit an excuse at ues.upshurschools.com to make us aware of your child’s absence. This is an excused absence. Students that need picked up earlier than normal dismissal time will not be penalized due to this inconvenience.
about 1 year ago, Eric Brand
UNION ELEMENTARY: Storybook Forest tonight from 5pm-6pm at UES. Come see the decorations, enjoy some crafting and hot chocolate!
about 1 year ago, Eric Brand
UNION ELEMENTARY: REMINDER: tomorrow is our Holiday Concert! It will take place at 1:00pm at the Brushy Fork Event Center. Students will be taken via bus. Please return the permission slip that was sent home. If you’re wanting to sign out your student after the performance, please mark the form appropriately. Once a grade level is done performing, they will exit out the back and you’ll be able to sign them out with Mrs. Morris in the front lobby. Students are encouraged to dress their best and be festive! We can’t wait to see you! 🎄
about 1 year ago, Eric Brand
UNION ELEMENTARY: Upshur County Schools will be closed today, Tuesday, December 19 due to inclement weather.
about 1 year ago, Eric Brand
UNION ELEMENTARY: Bus 15 is not making a morning or afternoon run tomorrow, Tuesday. December 19. If your child is not attending school due to this reason, please contact the front office to make us aware or submit and absence online at ues.upshurschools.com
about 1 year ago, Eric Brand
UNION ELEMENTARY: Bus 89 will not be completing an afternoon run, tomorrow, Monday December 18. Please make alternate arrangements for pick-up . Students that need picked up earlier than normal dismissal time will not be penalized due to this inconvenience.
about 1 year ago, Eric Brand
UNION ELEMENTARY: REMINDER: Wednesday, December 13 is a 12:00pm dismissal. Please be aware of bus stop drop-off times.
over 1 year ago, Eric Brand
UNION ELEMENTARY: REMINDER: There is no school next week, November 20-24. We can’t wait to see our students back in the building on Monday, November 27. We are thankful for all of our school families ❤️
over 1 year ago, Eric Brand
UNION ELEMENTARY: Bus 24 WILL be running its afternoon route today, Thursday, November 16.
over 1 year ago, Eric Brand
UNION ELEMENTARY: From Upshur County School’s Bus Garage: Bus 24 is not completing a morning run today, Thursday, November 16.
over 1 year ago, Eric Brand
UNION ELEMENTARY: there is no school tomorrow, Friday, November 10. We can’t wait to see our students back in the building on Monday, November 13!
over 1 year ago, Eric Brand
UNION ELEMENTARY: Bus 15 will not be completing the morning run. Kesling Ridge and Childers Run students will be transported by Bus 28. Kesling Ridge families will need to meet Bus 28 at Kesling Mill Lions Club at 6:45 am. Bus 15 will complete the afternoon run as scheduled.
over 1 year ago, Eric Brand
UNION ELEMENTARY: Bus 24 will not be completing the afternoon run today, Friday, October 27. Students that planned on riding that bus will need to be picked up at the school. Please reach out to the school at 304-472-1394. Students that need signed out earlier due to this inconvenience will not be penalized for attendance. Just a reminder that students who did not come to school today due to the bus not running will be excused from school.
over 1 year ago, Eric Brand
UNION ELEMENTARY: Bus 24 will not be completing the afternoon run today, Thursday, October 26. Students riding that bus will need to be picked up at the school. Please reach out to the school at 304-472-1394 so that we aware if your alternate arrangements. Students that need signed out early due to this inconvenience will not be penalized for attendance.
over 1 year ago, Eric Brand
UNION ELEMENTARY: Due to technical difficulties report cards will go home tomorrow, Tuesday, October 24. Thank You.
over 1 year ago, Eric Brand
UNION ELEMENTARY: Bus 24 will not be completing the afternoon run. Students that ride bus 24 will need to be picked up by parents/guardians. Please contact the front office (304) 472-1394 to make us aware of alternate arrangements. If you need to pick your child up earlier than dismissal time you will not be penalized for an early dismissal. Thank You
over 1 year ago, Eric Brand
UNION ELEMENTARY: REMINDER: there is no school for students on Monday, October 9. We can’t wait to see our students back in the building on Tuesday, October 10!
over 1 year ago, Eric Brand
UNION ELEMENTARY: TRANSPORTATION ALERT: 🚌 Bus 15 will not be completing the morning run on Wednesday, October 4. Kesling Ridge and Childer’s Run students will be transported by bus 28. Kesling Ridge families will need to meet bus 28 at the Kesling Mill Lion’s Club at 6:50am. 🚌
over 1 year ago, Eric Brand