The first LSIC meeting for the 2024-2025 school year will be held on Thursday, September 12th at 5:00 pm in the library. All are welcome to attend.
What is a Local School Improvement Council?
Local School Improvement Councils (LSIC) are required per W.Va. Code § 18-5A-2. These councils exist at each public school in West Virginia. Membership of the LSIC is comprised of teachers, service personnel, families, business, and community representatives. An election occurs annually for membership. The LSIC promotes innovations and improvements in the teaching and learning environment in your child's school through providing forums of voices of the education stakeholders in a community, as school employees work alongside families, businesses, and community representatives.

What to Wear Friday August 23rd- Let's See those Bright Colors and your Favorite Tie-Dyed Shirts!

On Monday August 12th, parents will have access to Rooms on the Upshur County Schools app and this will allow you to see your teacher for this school year. This is how you will communicate with your child's teacher this year. If you have trouble accessing this, please call the school on Tuesday or come to our Open House on Wednesday August 14th from 4-6pm and we will help you download the app.

UNION ELEMENTARY: Tomorrow, Monday, May 20. Students in grades 3,4,5 will be attending wellness day at BUHS. Please have students wear their red union shirts and tennis shoes, and bring sunscreen and extra water bottles if they would like. On Wednesday, May 22, we will have our Awards Day. These events are open to all school families and will be held in the gym. 9am-K, 10am-2nd, 11am-4th, 12pm-3rd, Prek-1pm, 2pm-1st. Students being signed out after awards will not be penalized for attendance. On Thursday, May 23, our 5th grade graduation will take place at 10:00am in the gym. Friday, May 24 will be our last day together for the 23-24 school with a regular dismissal. See you this week!

UNION ELEMENTARY: permission slips are due tomorrow, Thursday, May 16 for our Spring Concert and grades 3-5 Wellness Day. Students cannot ride the bus without these on file. Please make sure these are turned in. If you need another copy, please contact your child's teacher.

Good Evening, this is Eric Brand, Principal at Union Elementary with a couple important items for families this week. First, there is no school on Tuesday, May 14 due to Election Day. Please get out there and support the levy for our students. On Thursday, May 16, our spring concert will be taking place at 12:00pm at the Brushy Fork Event Center. Permission slips will be coming home tomorrow. Please pay attention to the dismissal procedures on the permission slip and plan accordingly. Finally, there is no school for students on Friday, May 17. Thank you and we can't wait to see our students tomorrow.

GRADES 3-5: Please click the link to take the Upshur County School's survey regarding attendance. Thanks!

UNION ELEMENTARY: Effective starting today, Tuesday, April 30, students riding bus 97 will be dropped off in the afternoon at their bus stop approximately 15 minutes EARLIER than normal. This will be in effect for the remainder of the school year. There will be no change to the morning route.

Good afternoon, this is Eric Brand, principal at Union Elementary School. This is reminder to our 3rd ,4th, and 5th grade school families that this week on Tuesday, April 30 , students will be taking the math WVGSA. On Thursday, May 2, students will be taking the English language arts WVGSA.
We have been sharpening our math and reading skills all year long and are ready to show our state and county what we know!
As this week approaches please make sure that our students get to bed early, get a good breakfast in the mornings, and arrive to school on time.
Students that arrive to school after 8:15 am will not be permitted into the classroom and will remain in the school office until testing is completed.
Please encourage your child to do their best and take their time!
As always thank you for trusting us with your children! We are honored to teach them and thank you for making Union the best place for learning.
See you tomorrow!

UNION ELEMENTARY: Bus 97 will be running approximately 15 minutes EARLIER than its normal time this afternoon, Thursday, April 18. Please make sure adjust your time waiting for your child at the bus stop. 

UNION ELEMENTARY: BUMS FALL SPORTS: Is your child interested in playing sports at B-UMS next fall? Please use the link below to sign them up: https://forms.office.com/r/mEEiKaYfV8 If you have questions, please reach out to Mr. Mouser. trevor.mouser@k12.wv.us

UNION ELEMENTARY: DUE TOMORROW: All field trip permission slips and waivers for the school-wide trip to Fairmont are due tomorrow, April 12. Please make sure that these are completed and returned.

UNION ELEMENTARY: Bus 97 is running approximately 20 minutes behind, today, Friday, March 29.

UNION ELEMENTARY: REMINDER: NO SCHOOL- Spring Break April 1-April 8. We can’t wait to see our students back in the building on Tuesday, April 9! Grade level Hop’n’Hunt parties are tomorrow. Students being signed out after their party will not be penalized for leaving early.

UNION: "No Sale" fundraiser envelopes are due today. THANK YOU to every one for getting out there and earning for our school. If you forgot, we will accept them Monday!😊
Need to share our link with others?
Use our Paypal link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=HRDUHL5C4W97S

Our Upshur County Schools app keeps getting better and
better! Parents/guardians who have already created a
Rooms account can now access new app features like chat
and class streams via web and in the app. If you haven't signed up yet,
look for additional invites via text and email!
Download for Android https://bit.ly/2T5p5eS
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3568JIq

UNION ELEMENTARY: REMINDER : There is no school on Friday, February 16 and no school on Monday, February 19. We can't wait to see our students back in the building on Tuesday, February 20!

UNION: The bus garage just informed us that bus 28 is NOT completing an afternoon run. Students will need picked up from the school and can be signed out from the front office.

UNION: Bus 28-2 is leaving UES now to continue her normal route. Thank you for your patience.

UNION ELEMENTARY: School Families: please refer to the class dojo postfor information on NTI days. Students will NOT report tomorrow. There is an “internet” and “no internet” option. Students who do not have their log ins will simply refer to the “no internet” option at this time. Teachers will be available at 10am via phone and class dojo for assistance it needed. If your classroom teacher is not attending tomorrow, they will send out an announcement. Enjoy the snow!